For Fundamental Coaches
Under the new coach accreditation framework, Fundamental Coaches must be supervised at all times while coaching.
They must complete a minimum of 20 hours of on-the-job learning as part of their Intermediate Coach Training.
To prepare supervisors of the Fundamental Coaches to perform their role, an online training course has been developed.
Intermediate Coaches and above, in order to access the Online Supervisors Course please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Register an account in the online Learning Management System (LMS)
Visit the online registration page
Select ‘New account’ to register as a new user
Complete the registration process
Please note that your username must be an email address
Step 2: Register for the Supervisors Online Course
Complete the LMS Accreditation Form using your LMS account details on Gymnastics Australia's website here
Once you have received confirmation from Gymnastics Australia;
Go to ‘Find Courses’
Select the course ‘Supervisors Online Course’
Click Purchase, add to shopping cart and follow the payment process. Cost of the course $25
Step 3: Complete the Supervisors Online Course
Open the course and read all of the content and complete all assessments.
On achieving 100% in the assessment tasks, you will be awarded with a virtual certificate
Course content
The new course varies significantly from previous courses run for Supervisors. It is designed to be easily accessed through the same online training platform which coaches are now using to complete components of their training. There is no longer a face to face training component, meaning that training can be completed at a convenient time and place.
The course focuses on helping the supervisor understand what they need to do to support the Beginner Coach during their on-the-job learning.
The Supervisor course has three broad topics, being:
Topic 1: A snapshot of a Gymnastics Supervisor
Topic 2: Safety and the Supervisor
Topic 3: The Supervisor in Action
Supervision of a Fundamental coach
A Fundamentals Coach must coach under supervision at all times until the coach receives an Intermediate Coaching Accreditation.
Supervision is defined as follows:
The Supervisor can supervise a maximum of three Beginner/Fundamental Coaches
The Supervisor must be on the gym floor in the proximity of the Beginner/Fundamental Coaches
The Supervisor and/or Clubs need to exercise a duty of care to participants and the Beginner/Fundamental Coach and discretion should be made when supervising a Beginner/Fundamental Coach
A Supervisor should ask the question ‘Can I adequately supervise the Beginner/fundamental Coach if I…?’
A Supervisor needs to consider if it is appropriate to coach their own group if supervising two/three Beginner/Fundamental Coaches
Coaching at a competition is a valuable learning experience. Beginner/Fundamental Coaches can coach at a competition under direct supervision (physically present at the same apparatus). The maximum ratio for coaching at a competition is set as 1 Supervisor to 1 Beginner/Fundamental Coach.