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Judge Enrolment Form

Please complete the form below to submit your application for enrolment into any of the designated Judges Courses.


Due to a funding subsidy, Gymnastics Victoria has been able to significantly reduce the costs of a face to face judging course in every Gymsport. For 2017 any current athlete or participant under 18 will be able to receive subsidized courses  


The cost of these are $20 for a 1 day course and $40 for a 2 day course 


Judging Course Enrolment Fees:

1 day judging courses $90

2 day judging courses cost $130



Judging Course Enrolment Fees for Current Athlete or participant under the age of 18:

1 day judging courses $20

2 day judging courses cost $40


A late fee of $25.00 will be applied to anyone who attends a course without payment.


If you require any assistance please contact

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